Dust Architects is an artists’ collective and platform founded by artists Fay Ballard, Judy Goldhill, Nick Kaplony and Martha Orbach. They have been meeting since 2016 to share work and discuss shared interests around working with autobiographical material. Dust Architects aims to encourage dialogue with others, through art work, discussions, exhibitions, publications and collaborations.
The four artists work across a diverse range of media including drawing, photography, sculpture, installation, film and artist’s books. They use autobiography, biography and memoir in their practice to explore ideas around the self in relation to the family, childhood, memory, loss, remembrance, home and spirit of place. Life-writing is an established discipline for the written word, and Dust Architects hopes to explore similar territory in the visual arts.
Contributors: Roelof Bakker, Charlotte Brown, Dr Ruth Charnock, Diana Finn, Julie Held, Stephen Pompea, Neil Stewart, Dr Jane Wildgoose.